domenica 25 luglio 2021

USB2serial PL2303 su Win 10

Con un laconico Deprecated Microsoft ha deciso di eliminare il driver  per le chiavette USB PL2303  definitivamente.

Seguendo questa guida si riesce a recuperare il device ed utilizzarlo regolarmente.

Grazie Windows !

forse anche qui

Istruzioni direttamente dal primo Sito elencato:

1. Download and Save the installer file at the link below:

You can just Save it to your Desktop to make it easier. Norton's 360 won't like it, so to save all the grief of dealing with that beast you might want to disable your anti-virus before running the installer.

2. Unplug all USB-To-Serial adapters and Double click on the installer "PL2303_64bit_Installer.exe". This file can be deleted later.

3. The "PL2303 Code 10 Fix" program will be installed along with a shortcut on your Windows Desktop.

4. Double click on the "PL2303 Code 10 Fix Shortcut"

5. Plug in one (1) of your USB-To-Serial adapters and click "Continue".

6. When it finishes, Reboot your computer.

7. Unplug the adapter and plug back in again. That's it! Donations are appreciated.:

A me ha funzionato subito.

Ciao a tutti

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